مرحبا!! سجلي أو دخول

    صاحب العمل المعلومات

Ummah Loan Financing & Development Corporation

Ummah Loan Financing & Development Corporation

As-salamu 'alaykum
We are willing to provide financing for your project and help you out of your debt. We are currently seeking means of expanding and diversifying our business interest in feasible projects, business proposals and in the process helping out individuals or companies in need of loans or finance. Even if you have bad credit, remember that Allah created and loves us all, so no one is discriminated against or left out.
Provide us with your detailed proposal right now if you are in need of financing or loan on our email:- ummahloanfinance **** ****
Insha Allah we will provide as much help as Allah has sent us to do. Aameen!
Nasir Fahd Ali

شركة: Ummah Loan Financing & Development Corporation
نوع المؤسسة: صاحب العمل
اسم جهة الاتصال: << مخفي المعلومات>>
عنوان: P.O. BOX 111, Dubai
الرمز البريدي / الرمز البريدي: << مخفي المعلومات>>
هاتف: << مخفي المعلومات>>
البريد الإلكتروني:  [ إرسال رسالة خاصة] 
مسجلة حلال من: 07/02/2015
وظائف: 0 فرص العمل الحالية / 0 الوظائف المتاحة حاليا.

فرص العمل التالية متوفرة:

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